Technical support

Steps to replace a laptop keyboard; 

Check the keyboard for what needs to be repaired. If it only needs cleaning, then do this by brushing away the dirt or grime collected in the keys. If the problem seems to be the removal of several keys, assess the damage and check if it can still be fixed or if the entire keyboard needs to be replaced. Many kinds of keyboard hold to the top case by thermal tape or screw or welded, it's not easy to replace.

1. Power down the laptop, Make sure that the laptop is switched off and that the battery is removed.

2. Check the laptop and see which screws need to be unfastened to remove the laptop keyboard. Use the screwdriver to remove the bottom screw on the underside of the laptop. The lower keyboard screw you want to look for has a picture of a keyboard next to it. If you cannot find it, do not fret: some keyboards do not have bottom screws.

3. Remove the screws at the top that hold the keyboard in place. These screws will be found underneath the trim piece that you removed. There should be between 3 to 4 screws that are holding the keyboard into place. Once they are removed, you can carefully lift the keyboard upwards while also lifting it towards the screen; Then you can flip the keyboard on the palm rest and face it upside down. 

4. The next step is to unplug the keyboard. There should be a cable that runs from the keyboard to the motherboard. It will either be a ZIF (Zero Insertion Force) or an LIF (Low Insertion Force) cable. They are also usually held in place by a latching mechanism. Once you locate it, carefully lift or move back the latch and pull the cable from the motherboard. There may also be a power cable if your screen or keyboard can be backlit either while in use or by setting. Once these are removed, then the keyboard is free. 

5. The last part involved putting in the new and functioning keyboard. Slip the keyboard back in its case and replace the covers. Return the screws to their proper positions and screw them all securely. Be sure that before doing this, all cables and connectors are inside the unit’s covers.

6. Replace the battery and turn on the laptop. The keyboard should function normally.